Financial Advisor Salary Information

If you are looking to obtain the highest possible financial advisor salary, besides education and what achievements can be attained in that respect, the best possible method is to find as many job opportunities as possible by researching through many different employers. In combination with is, it is important that you know the income information and statistics regarding this profession so that you can utilize in finding the greatest and highest paying employers.

For instance, while you may apply to twenty different companies for various positions that are closely related, you may find yourself in a situation where you have already received one job offer but are still waiting for another ten companies to reply back from an interview for further notice. At first, it might seem like an amazing idea to take advantage of financial advisor jobs right away, but with extensive research, it may be found that they are actually offering much lower than you can earn even in the beginning stages of this profession.

As far as starting salaries go, anywhere from $30,000-40,000 dollars is a sufficient number. As the years increase, a financial advisor salary should follow accordingly. By the time you have reached ten to nineteen years of experience, you should be making at least $50,000 annually with the potential to be pulling in more than one hundred thousand dollars per year. If you are taking advantage of a specialization, those income numbers will most definitely vary between one another so that is also something to consider when researching more in depth.

In terms of education, a bachelor’s degree is generally expected from any employer especially considering how incredibly competitive this industry is. However, for those that either want to be a successful independent financial advisor or have a great chance at becoming employed with an extremely high quality employer it would be an excellent investment to obtain a master’s in business administration.

An individual must take the Series 7 exam offered by FINRA as well as continuously increasing their education to meet professional standards before they can complete their journey to becoming a financial advisor. Whereas major Wall Street firms used to help recent college graduates get ready for becoming employed and being successful right off the bat by providing them with outstanding training programs to push them along the way, that has since stopped because of companies trying to cut costs.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to get into this profession and start earning a financial advisor salary without any experience because employers can simply implement sneaky tactics to convince proven and experience financial advisors from other companies to transfer over to them with irresistible incentives. Altogether, while it definitely a mission in itself to go from earning nothing to bringing in the highest possibly salary in this profession, those that are dedicated, determined and willing to put in endless effort will without a doubt be able to have an incredibly satisfying financial advisor career.

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